The sellers of the house we're trying to buy say they won't give us any credit for the extensive repairs our inspector pointed out. Today, I had our agent tell them that we will agree to move forward immediately if they credit us with a measly $1500, about 10% of the work that needs to be done in the near term. If no credit, we will take the rest of the week to "review our options."
Our agent relayed the info to one of the sellers, the wife, and she seemed receptive to it. So we'll see. We really do want to buy this house at this point, but we don't feel like we should just let them off the hook with the repairs.*
This morning I was all psyched to take Nutmeg to a drop-off program she's signed up for. She coudln't go last week due to illness. I had my laptop and cell phone packed up and a long to-do list or when I was sitting in a cafe while she was in class.
Alas, it was not to be. Instead I spent an hour searching for my keys. I must have left them in the car last night because I was wearing clothes with no pockets and my purse was in the trunk. Damn blast! I was really looking forward to a little time to myself, or to myself and Fil. Fortunately, the woman who runs the program said we could come Friday instead.
Tomorrow, we hit Oak Park like a tornado. The girls and I are visiting all 4 of our potential preschool choices. The parks system classes I'm interested each only have one spot left, so it's now or never. Shall we have a pool on how far into this marathon day Nutmeg can go without spontaneous combustion? To be fair, she has been incredibly good this week, but I think I will be seriously pushing her limits. Well, it's gotta happen, so whatever.
I think that's the title for my parenting book: "The Whatever Mother." Tagline: Being a "Good Enough Mother" beyond you? Be a "whatever" mother.
* Update: Our agent just called to say they would pay $1,000, and want to wrap this up within 24 hours. We said, how about in 24 seconds? We'll take it! So, we are still buying the house.
Hello, Ohio!
3 days ago
Yay - congrats! I like your book idea -- I'd buy it. :-P
Hooray! Congratulations! It looks like a very nice house. :)
Love the new graphics. I recently realized I never made a comment on your blog even though it is the first thing I check especially after a long travel day like I had today. It meant so much to me when you lived so far away but I have found I enjoy it just as much now. love mom
Yay! You're homeowners again! :)
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