Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Spending time with Nutmeg has been so much fun lately. Her behavior has been pretty good, she's still saying my favorite word in her vocabulary (o.k.). We wrote a list of house rules on a chalk board and instituted a system of smiley and frowny faces for good and bad behavior. Maybe it's just the novelty, or maybe because she knows she needs 3 smileys at the end of the day to get dessert, but so far the threat of a frowny face has been much more effective than the threat of a time-out.

As always, she's still saying the darndest things:

To the 9- and 11-year-old boys on the trampoline next door: "Be gentle with each other!"

While attaching one of the toys on Fil's baby gym but keeping it out of the baby's reach: "This is for display only."

1 comment:

Notta Wallflower said...

Nut says the cutest things! I like your behavior chart - I use stuff like that all the time at school. Some older teachers don't believe in "bribery", but I'm sure not above using it. :-P